1. Booking a room in a luxury hotel well in advance of your scheduled date of stay may get you a good discount.
2. Certain airlines and tour operators have special collaborations with hotels. Try and avail this service as you can get a good discount in a luxury hotel if you consider their services.
3. Many luxury hotels put up an option of bid and buy on their site, you may want to check them out.
4. Most of the travel sites give good discounts if you book luxury hotel room through their sites. This way you also get a variety of luxurious hotel to choose from.
5. A reputed tour operator would always be able to provide you with good discounted rates for luxury hotel booking. Get a good travel operator to sort you out.
9 komentar:
cewe yg bikin gue gak bisa tidur...
aku mau menikmatimu sayang
aq minta no hp km please..kirim ke email aq shotokaw_212@hotmail.com
sebenernya tuh photo2 cewek mang bisa di booking ya???
hotelnya lokasinya dimana ?
harga termasuk kencan sama kamu ?
org bodoh mn ada cwek bookingan upload fotonya sendiri di dunia maya yg jelas tipuan lah
info no hape pls : paimogeof94@gmail.com
tu memeng bisa di boking semua ya
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